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Monday, April 23, 2012

Still working

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School boys at work

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Agenda April 23

  • Monday-HW-CWB 139/141 Meeting at Appomattox (1,2,3 Tues- 5,7 Wed) Handout Chapter 18 (1,2,3 Tues- 5,7 Wed)
  • Edmodo Tests Chapter 16 Due Thursday 9pm Chapter 17 Due Friday 9pm- IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE
  • Wed-Thur-HW CWB 145/147 Lincoln is Assassinated (1,2,3 Thurs - 5,7 Fri )
Any questions feel free to email me at

Monday, April 16, 2012

Agenda Week of April 16th

Monday: Gettysburg Day 1 HW: CWB pages 106/108-Edmodo Quiz Due Thurs
Tuesday Gettysburg Day 2 HW: CWB pages 109/111
Wednesday Gettysburg Day 3 CWB pages 103/105
Thursday Sherman Takes Atlanta HW: CWB pages 118/120 also Edmodo Quiz Due Reminder CWB pages 118/120 will be due next week. 
Friday End of War

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Agenda Week of April 9th

Monday: Arms of the Civil War, HW: CWB pages 31/33
Tuesday Arms of the Civil War, HW: CWB pages 34/36
Wednesday Battle Antietam CWB pages 70/72
Thursday Medical Care Civil War HW: CWB pages 73/75
Friday Day One Gettysburg