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Monday, October 24, 2011

Agenda Week of October 24th

Monday-First Amendments Cases HW-None
Tuesday-3 branches of Government- Finish Handout for Homework
Wednesday-Handout Executive Branch Government
Thursday-Day at the White House-Edmodo Due 9 p.m.
Friday-Benchmark and Quiz

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 17

Monday: page 53 Bill of Rights
Two edmodo assignments due Thursday 9pm
Tuesday: see Monday
Wednesday: handout Bill Rights due Friday
Thursday: edomdo assignments due
Friday:handout Bill Rights

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Agenda Week Oct 3rd

Monday. Google Presentation Due Thursday. Vocabulary Sheet from last week due tomorrow, 
Tuesday-Finish Map
Wednesday-Google Presentation Thursday
Thursday-Google Presentation Due